24 mayo 2011

My Favorite Subject

Actually, it's a bit hard for me choose a "favorite" subject... i find all of them interesting... ok, not all of them, i hate maths... but apart from that one, all are interesting and useful in some ways... but!, if i had to choose one... i choose histology.

what it is? well, histology is defined as the study of the tissues and the cells that compounds them, as well as the micro-structures and function of the cells of a living and healthy organism. the classes are divided in two aspects, a theorical and an empirical view. Actually, the empirical sessions are funnier and more interesting than the theorical ones, basically because watching samples under the microscope and learn how to interpretate'em and recognize structures is a really useful experience (also, it's nice... those colours *O* amazing xd)

why i like it? it's quite simple, histology is a really useful subject, it provides the base to compare a living and healthy tissue sample, with a sick one. knowing how it is in normal conditions allow us to detect abnormalities, identify them, and provide a diagnosis to perform or prescribe a proper way of action. the second reason it's a bit less formal, but important anyways, the teacher, Dra. Mª Soledad Fernandez, is... on my point of view, one of the best teachers that i've ever had, is one of those teachers that loves their job, enjoys teaching and have the same or more energy involved in their job that a young person that has all their hopes on what's to come (:

that would be everything for now... i now it is a bit shorter than the usual, also there is no song for this entry (for now). I will compensate a little on the upcoming days (i hope)



13 abril 2011

About Me and the Career

        Hi again, well, today I'm supposed to write about well... me and why I choose to study veterinary medicine. So let's start (:

         Well since I was a child, I had been related to animals, I was raised in a house that had a LOT of dogs... if I remember fine... there was like 12 dogs (♥), all of 'em were 'mongrels' also there was some cats... 3 if I’m not wrong... anyway, I used to spent a lot of time with'em cos' both of my parents were working. That forged my love for animals =D. 
        But that is an issue that wasn't really important until a few years ago, three for being exact. That's cos' I had always been more directed to humanistic matters and... Somehow (I’m not pretty sure how XD) I ended studying on the biology work plan of my school. On the road I decided that I was going to study something related to medicine... but I had a little problem with human interaction =D... so I apply to veterinary medicine here (: ... and now here I am =3

        Now, I’ll talk about the present :) ... the career is amaaazing, I truly love it, even if my marks aren't the best, I love it, of course there are some subject that I dislike a lot.. like math, but there as well are some of 'em that I really like, like physiology or anatomy... even if they are  hard... it's what I like (I love challenges xd). The faculty is beautiful, maybe it's not the best-equipped, but this is something that should be fixed in the future >:D
        I truly hope that I can end the career in the proper time, I cannot wait to start working… Oh! well I forgot to speak about that... well, I want to specialize me in immunology, but!,...that's a post-degree that isn't imparted here in Chile, so... that's a problem... but well, i think that I’ll figure out some solution on the upcoming years :), for now i will focus on what I have on my hands =3

I think that's everything for know :D everyone have a nice week :)


You should try to listen this song, it's beautiful (:
Artist: Luar na Lubre ; Song: Chove en Santiago ; Style: Galician Folk

06 abril 2011


        Hi everyone, not many of you know me, my name is Gabriel, anyone can spell me Gabo, is shorter and less formal... also I prefer it =D (actually... I really really prefer it.. so please, do it *.*)
well I used to be a  blogger many years ago... but I had... just.. lost the inspiration for writing ("writer's block", is really common u,u)

        I'm a student of second year of Veterinary Medicine at University of Chile... I have a fascination with wolves (something that you can notice when you check my blogger's profile... and the upcomming entries xd); I can tell really little things more about me, ehm... i'm 19 years old... (YES, I know that I look a lot older xd... but well.. there's nothing I can do against it xd) I LOVE music, I listen a huge range of music ... from Classic Music... to Heavy Metal, passing through really weird things like Galician folk, Balcan music or Klezmer, and I like a lot to share this amazing music (that its not so popular), so I think I'll put a song at the end of each post... sometimes related to it  and sometimes not xd, I also love reading books... ANY book that reach my hands. 
       I have... errr... 7 pets, 4 cats (actually they belong to my older brother) and 3 dogs, none of the cats has a real name xD so... don't ask for it... and the dogs... well.. they're called Negra, Dolca and Frac (the person that put the names probably was hungry at the moment.. I think xd cos' it wasn't me)... I think that's everything.. err well.. as a freak note.. I'm always sleepy and hungry... =D that's it.
       With this blog I spect to share opinions, info, and everything that could help us in the career =D
       I really wish the best of luck to anyone... and if you need help... well just ask for it =3, I'll help gladly if I can (=


PS: oh!.. well if someone of you ask it... the name of my blog [Nastrond], is a word that belongs to the northern mitology, as well as my nickname [Hati] which is one of the sons of Fenrir the wolf. just sayin' ^^U 

Artist: Diablo Swing Orchestra ; Song: Ragdoll Physics ; Style: Avant-Garde / Riot-Opera